
White Paper and Articles

Prof. dr. Annemieke Roobeek has written multiple white papers and articles on Feeding Megacities. Additionally, numerous articles have been written about GrwNxt. By clicking on the titles below you can download the white papers and articles.

GrwNxt is exemplified in an Het Financieele Dagblad supplement, as an innovative Leader in Food that contributes to the future of food by investing in Al (Dutch).

As a member of the Google Food Lab, GrwNxt Founder and CEO prof. dr. Annemieke Roobeek was interviewed to highlight what GrwNxt is doing to help move the needle towards a sustainable future of fresh food and a more healthy way of living.

GrwNxt has published multiple books based on our own thorough research. To see more, visit the GrwNxt Research Gallery.

Interview with GrwNxt founder and CEO

Annemieke Roobeek

on ultra-precision horticulture in megacities in Link (both NL & EN)

Interview with GrwNxt founder and CEO Annemieke Roobeek on the growing demand for healthy fresh produce in magazine Onder Glas (Dutch)

Article on Planning for sustainable urban food systems and the up-scaling potentials of vertical farming, written by our former GrwNxt colleague Daniel Petrovic.

Article in Analyse Smart Cities, an Het Financieele Dagblad supplement, on GrwNxt and Hightech Foodproduction

White paper on Export Changes Urban Farming

White paper on Vertical Horticulture

Article in the Chinese magazine Richland Sources on Collaboration in ecosystems to unleash radical innovations in vertical farming

Article in the Chinese magazine Richland Sources on Novel indoor farming concepts for feeding megacities

Article on Vertical Horticulture for Dutch magazine Duurzaam Bedrijfsleven [translated into ENGLISH]

Article in Metropolitan Food Security on Greentech Farming for Megacities [featured article] For more, visit the Metropolitan Food Security website.