GrwNxt – Link Magazine

Recently Link Magazine published an article about GrwNxt. The article outlines why our current fresh food production system needs re-thinking, and describes in a comprehensive way how GrwNxt differentiates by taking an innovative, holistic approach towards ‘The Real New Thing’.

Read the article.

Webcast: Feeding Megacities With AI Grown Food, The Future…

For the webcast The Brand Called You (TBCY) Prof. dr. Annemieke Roobeek engaged in a conversation with Frits Bussemaker. See the webcast. 

TBCY engages in conversations with global leaders in sustainability to share their vision and explain how they are contributing to mitigating the adverse effects of climate change. This conversation centers around the fourth industrial revolution, leadership, innovation and the application of AI for Good at GrwNxt.

GrwNxt DDR™ testing

Over the past few months GrwNxt has succesfully been testing our Dynamic Digital Recipes, our DDR™ ‘s:

GrwNxt R&D collaboration

GrwNxt has been granted the MIT Noord-Holland subsidy for R&D collaboration in the development of digital recipes in data-driven climate rooms. The participants in this joined project are MeetingMoreMinds, who has taken the role as coordinator of the project, Certhon and Alumat Zeeman. The purpose of the MIT subsidy is to stimulate sustainable innovation projects carried out by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within top-sectors.

Marineterrein LIVE! 2020

In an inspiring talk Annemieke Roobeek, CEO and Founder of GrwNxt, announced GrwNxt plans to set up a test location at the Marineterrein in the City Center of Amsterdam. Surrounded by hotels, restaurants and innovative companies at the site, it is an excellent place to show what the game changing GrwNxt technology concepts mean in practice. Amsterdam as part of an international data-driven infrastructure to produce fresh produce on site in a semi-autonomous way. From seed to fork with just a few meters in between! Together with Freshineers, big-data scientists, AI experts and urban developers we will create a sustainable, circular fresh food production experience on-site.
Thank you supporters of GrwNxt: Johan Kodde (Hoogendoorn), Bert Stikkers and Hans Zeeman (Alumat Zeeman) and Ronald Beuk (Generous Minds) for sharing this precious GrwNxt moment in Amsterdam on January 30th 2020.

GrwNxt receives MIT R&D Subsidy

GrwNxt has been granted a MIT Noord-Holland subsidy for R&D collaboration in the development of our Ballerina and our Bridge. The participants in this joined project are GrwNxt, who has taken the role as coordinator of the project, Tebulo and Alumat Zeeman. The purpose of the MIT subsidy is to stimulate sustainable innovation projects carried out by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within top-sectors.